CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

In CBT we identify problematic behaviors and thinking patterns that contribute and serve to maintain depression and anxiety.

For example, in treatment for depression, you will learn how depression affects your day to day and how your actions and your thought patterns affect your mood. Therapy is typically short-term (18-24 weeks). Quick examples of skills learned in therapy sessions usually include:

  • Learning what makes you feel good or competent and collaborating on a routine you can stick with. We try to help you get back doing the activities you enjoy or identify new activities.

  • Lean how to use ‘Behavioral Activation,’ which just means get up and do something that feels good!

  • Problem Solving- we break down complicated problems into ‘baby steps’ so you can get out of feeling stuck or helpless.

  • Practice catching and modifying thinking errors that are really unhelpful about yourself or your future (for example: “I am such a failure!” or “Nothing works out for me no matter how much I try”).

  • Learn your own blueprint of thinking about your life and practice using alternate ideas which are helpful and balanced.

  • Learn relapse prevention strategies so you can complete your course of therapy with confidence